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We’re in this together
Being a family-owned and operated business with "ole school flava," we’re uniquely qualified to offer you that personal touch you’ve been looking for. Our goal is to make all of our customers happy. 

At BRIMS, we really care about the products we sell, and we’d like to share our most important services and products with you. 

Quality Fashion Headwear for the Family
Product offerings include such brands as BAILEY, BETMAR, BILTMORE, BRONER, CALLANAN, DOBBS, NEW YORK HAT CO., SAN DIEGO HAT CO., SCALA, & STETSON to name a few . . .

We will also showcase "brims" from independent designers whose names are ....Ssshhh!!!!             

Following our Grand Opening (Date: TBA) we will be providing: 

FREE! Hat Rejuvenation
Steam and Brush; 
 Stretch and Reduction;
while you shop*... an atmosphere that we think you'll find most relaxed for your shopping pleasure.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

* Our desire is to accommodate all of our valued guests so we must limit this service to two (2) hats per  visit. Other options are available.
BRIMS ® , ,  
The image you desire, 
the service you deserve!